
This is my space on the web where I can openly rant about the things that just annoy the hell out of me.  Whether it's the religious and their beliefs, politicians and the crazy things that come out of their mouths, or even my fellow atheists, nothing is off limits.

I am an atheist living in the bible belt.  Over the last few years I stopped being closeted about my lack of beliefs and became more open.  The more open I became, the more hateful. intolerant and ignorant worshipers showed themselves to be toward people such as myself.  The last straw, for me, was the resurgence of young earth creationism and the religious right trying to backdoor their nonsense into the educational system so they could indoctrinate our youth into a lifetime of hatred and ignorance.  From that point forward I stopped being the polite atheist and started speaking my mind openly and as harshly as required by the level of stupidity that I encountered on a daily basis.

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