Thursday, November 29, 2012

City Official declares Atheists "Terrorists"

Every day when I get up and wonder what I'll have to write about, I worry that sanity and rational thought might hit the right wing in this country and leave a void of topics to write about. Unfortunately, that never really happens.  A supervisor in the Leesburg district of Virginia, Ken Reid, proves once again how insanely stupid and ignorant the right can be regarding their religious holidays, separation of church and state and their hatred of free-thinkers.

According to a HuffPost article, this is what Reid had to say about local atheists seeking equal space on the courthouse lawn for holiday displays:

"None of the religious organizations in the county have had any problem with what we’re doing,” Reid told newspaper in a story published Monday. “It’s strictly this group of terrorists. They’re fanatics who basically want to stamp out religion in all public life and property.”
Of course the religious organizations, especially christian ones, don't have a problem with the public displays.  The displays support their religious beliefs and continue to support the position of privilege that the religious right has in our society that was never earned and is certainly a violation of the constitution itself.  People who benefit from such positions of privilege never have a problem until that position of privilege is threatened or taken away.  But I guess that this simple reality is beyond a buffoon like Reid who obviously shouldn't be in a position of power of any kind since he is incapable of comprehending basic constitutional principles and unable to justify upholding them.

What I really like is how he refers to the Atheist group as "terrorists".  After all, seeking equal space and an equal voice in the public arena is certainly tantamount to terrorism.  Putting up dissenting holiday displays that question the legitimacy of christian holidays or mocks them is obviously the same thing as bombing buildings and school buses and murdering innocent civilians. Seeking to remove a position of privilege from religious groups on government property is certainly treasonous and something only terrorists would do, right Mr. Reid?

Naturally, only fanatics would do such things and seek to keep religion out of public life and off public property which is paid for by all taxpayers, not just christian citizens of the state.  Heck, some of the worst fanatics that ever lived must have been the protesters for the civil rights movement, women's rights, labor rights and all people seeking equality in society.  Those damned fanatics are always screwing things up for the privileged few who are held up above everyone else because of their superstitious beliefs, aren't they Mr Reid?

Well guess what, the real terrorists are people like you.  Smug bastards who think they have the right to force their religion down our throats just because it's the month of December and your personal nonsense holiday happens to be coming up.   People like you who use positions of power to proselytize. Ignorant people just like you who refuse to accept the fact that others celebrate their own holidays in their own way, or non at all, and the reality that if you are going to put up displays on property paid for by tax-payer money you had better damned sure allow all beliefs to be displayed, not just the privileged few belief systems that you personally happen to approve of.  If you can't stomach that idea, then just do the right thing and stop wasting taxpayer money on religious displays on public property and the court time and cost that you nonsense causes.   I can guarantee you that there are more than enough churches and properties owned by private individuals who are more than happy to legally put up displays that support their personal beliefs with the benefit of taxpayers not having to foot the bill.

One last suggestion for you, Mr. Reid.  Don't let the reporter put words in your mouth at your next interview, if they waste their time with you again.  It's obvious, even to a blind man, that you're not sorry about being an ignoramus who hates anyone who doesn't support your personal superstitious belief system and thinks that public property should remain secular in it use and purpose.  It's obvious that you couldn't care less about the constitution or even basic human decency or you wouldn't have referred to people peacefully voicing their concerns and requesting equal time and status as terrorists.  You are nothing more than a joke and hopefully this will be the extent of your 15 minutes of fame.  As the old saying goes, good riddance to bad rubbish.

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