Wednesday, November 28, 2012

God Will Judge America – It's About Time!

Proving the old adage that the apple never falls far from the tree, Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, has come out and said that God will judge America for re-electing President Obama.

In an interview with Newsmax, Graham said:

“In the last four years, we have begun to turn our backs on God,” Graham reiterated. “We have taken God out of our education system. We have taken him out of government. You have lawyers that sue you every time you mention the name of Jesus Christ in any public forum.
“What has happened is we have allowed ourselves to take God out everything that we do – and I believe that God will judge our nation one day.”
And, “maybe God will have to bring our nation to our knees – to where that we just have a complete economic collapse” to do that, Graham said. “Maybe at that point, people will again call upon the name of almighty God.”

Call me crazy, but if there is a god and he's going to judge the US, all I can say is it's about freaking time!  Of course that begs the question, why hasn't he judged us yet for our transgressions of which there are a lot worse than electing a black, pseudo-liberal president for a second term? 

Seriously, why didn't god judge us for slavery?  America participated in the trade of human beings almost from it's inception so that rich white landowners didn't have to actually work their own land or pay help to do it for them.  Africans were abducted from their homeland, enslaved, tortured  raped and murdered all so that the wealthy could become even more rich on the backs of other human beings.  Oh, my bad. I forgot that the bible endorses slavery and even gives the white man an excuse for saying that black skin is a mark of their curse. (Exodus 21:2-6, Exodus 21:7-11, Ephesians 6:5, Luke 12:47-48,  Gen. 4:15)

Let's forget slavery then since god's OK with it. What about the fact that we stole land from the natives that lived here, attempted total genocide and raped and murdered millions of them as well.  Certainly god must have had a problem with this!  Hold on, I forgot, it's OK to kill non-believers (Deuteronomy 17) and god has no problem with taking their land as well (Genesis 15:18-21).  I was worried there for a minute, but clearly we were justified under god's word for these actions,  Whew, that was a close one.

Clearly, god should have judged us for denying women equal rights, trying to deny them reproductive and health care equality and freedom and for valuing them less than a man in the workplace.  Oops, my bad again,  I forgot that god places a value on women and that value is less than a man (Leviticus 27:3-7), raping women is OK (Deuteronomy 20:13-15, Deuteronomy 21:11-14) and if a woman wears mens clothing she's considered an abomination unto the lord (Deuteronomy 22:5).  There's a lot more, but at least we know that god isn't an advocate of equal rights for women, so we are again in the clear for our past and present transgressions against them.  That's another close one averted. What a relief!

What about the homeless, the poor, the hungry within our borders and the sick and starving people elsewhere that we ignore and refuse to help.  God obviously should have punished us long ago for this transgression.  Guess not, since we have a long standing policy of not helping anyone, anywhere that doesn't have natural resources we want to take, land we want to steal or something of economic benefit to our corporations or government.  America has gotten a long standing free pass for all of this.

So what is pissing god off enough to feel the need to finally punish America?  Electing a black man to a second term, supporting gay rights and a woman's right to healthcare and to choose. Apparently these transgressions are finally enough to piss off our all powerful, all knowing and loving god.  Well pardon me for saying this, but that really doesn't sound like a loving god or something that we should even be worshiping.  What this sounds like is a god that is exactly like the evil, racist, misogynistic men who made it up in the first place.  

Perhaps Graham is just angry because god's chosen candidate didn't win the election.  But didn't Graham's god say that governments are chosen and ordained by god? Romans 13:1 in the KJV says: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  So I guess Graham and the rest of the christians conveniently forgot this little tidbit and shouldn't have decided for themselves who god's candidate should be.  Perhaps god just screwed up this time and failed to pick the winner, but that doesn't sound like an all-knowing god, does it? 

Fortunately for us, god is nothing more than a figment of the evil imaginations that created it. Fortunately for us, god doesn't select the powers that be and have a say in who becomes our president.  If he did, we would still be living with slavery and human trade, still be stoning women for being raped or forcing them to marry their rapists, we'd still be killing member of the LGBT community for being exactly what genetics has made them rather than starting to grant them basic human rights.  Fortunately for us we do live in a secular nation that does not involve religion in government, invoke god in our constitution and doesn't rely on religious beliefs for our laws.  

Let's face it, Graham and people just like him are pissed off because their candidate didn't win and their strategy of threatening people who voted democrat with eternal damnation didn't work.  He's pissed of because enough Americans didn't buy into the republican platform of racism, misogyny, capitalism and hate to put his candidate into office.  He's pissed off because America is finally working toward becoming a nation that is accepting of other faiths and beliefs, is finally granting equality to women as well as the LGBT community and is finally seeing that capitalistic greed is what is destroying our nation and wiping the middle class and their jobs off the map. He's pissed off because the democratic process worked and because it didn't go in his favor he's hoping that we fall as a nation. What a pathetic asshole!  

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