Friday, the head lunatic from the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, gave the organizations response to the Newtown tragedy. As expected, their solution was more guns, but not just more guns; it included having armed guards at every school, blaming video games and movie violence. Essentially they are blaming everything and everyone other than placing blame where it squarely belongs, which is on the NRA and their policy of fighting against any and all gun control laws, background checks, closing loopholes and anything that stops money from coming in from even one gun sale. So what we were given by the NRA is nothing more than a non-answer to a continuing and growing problem in our society – gun violence.
As of last night, before I went to bed, another 100+ people had been killed by gun violence in the US. That is more than will be killed in an entire year by guns in countries like Japan, Britain and Australia and by the end of next week, we will have surpassed Canada. At year’s end our total gun related murders will surpass every nation except Thailand Columbia and South Africa and we will just barely beat out the Philippines for 4th place. That is pretty damned pathetic for a nation that pretends to be the greatest in the world. But what do these statistics prove? More guns do not make our nation safe, just the opposite it makes us one of the most dangerous places to live if you don’t want to be murdered by some lunatic with a gun. And of course the NRA is just foaming at the mouth at the idea of getting more guns into the hands of people, including teachers in order to make our nation “safer”. Are you fucking kidding me? Anyone who buys into this nonsense should be certified as insane, just as LaPierre should be.
Let’s look at reality here. Armed guards do not stop crazed individuals from committing these mass shootings. Columbine had an armed guard on duty when that tragedy went down; it did not stop the massacre. Virginia Tech had its own police force; it did not stop the massacre. Fort Hood is a military base filled with armed and trained personnel and with its own military police force and that also did not stop the massacre. The key point here is that this idea was already in full force and effect and none of these massacres were stopped by the armed personnel that were on duty at each of these places. This also destroys the gun-rights lunatics who keep saying that people who commit these massacres only go to places where guns are not allowed to be carried. You see, lunatics don’t give a fuck where guns are allowed or not, they simply look for large groups of targets, go there and start shooting. They do this because the weapons are available and they really don’t give a damn if they end up getting killed once they are done – they are insane and that’s how they work.
So now we have the morons of this nation yelling arm the teachers and that will solve it; because after all, nothing is more effective than untrained personnel who probably don’t want to be carrying a weapon in the first place against a crazed shooter. And we all know that concealed carry states never have these things happen either. Oops, Colorado, Virginia, Arizona, Texas and other all have concealed carry laws on the books and massacres all happened there so where are the people stopping the shooters with their concealed firearms? It just doesn’t make a fucking difference, but the gun nuts don’t appear to comprehend this simple fact. The reality is that people carry firearms are essentially useless in these situations and innocent bystanders are going to be killed. For fuck sake, police who train regularly and are supposedly prepared to respond in these situations kill or wound innocent bystanders on a regular basis, how the hell do you expect a regular civilian who maybe goes to the range once a month, has never had combat training or even some teacher to be truly prepared to act in these situations?! The only thing that will happen is that they will draw fire and be killed themselves, hopefully not drawing fire to the people around them as well.
Look, the solution is simple. The rest of the world gets it. They have had these massacres happen and they responded by banning weapons that people simply don’t need. It solved the problem, they don’t have these massacres anymore because the guns are not available. But America is too fucking insane and uncivilized to realize that more guns equals nothing more than more of these tragedies from happening. No, America, armed guards and teachers will not stop a fucking thing. Our history of gun violence has proven this simple fact beyond a reasonable doubt. Just ask the dead people at VA Tech, Columbine and Fort Hood how well those armed guards worked, because if they could answer you they would say they fucking didn’t.
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