Unless you live under a rock, you probably know that this Friday is supposed to be the end of the world according to internet nut jobs, conspiracy theory whackos and other brands of lunatics everywhere. The Mayan calendar, or at least one version and one interpretation of it, runs out on the 21st and the crazies are convinced that this means the end of the world. Yeah right, bozo.
Now, if you are one of those Mayan calendar believers, you probably shouldn't be reading this blog in the first place because I don't mince words about the fact that I think that all superstitious people are fucking idiots. You are really no different than the gullible assholes who waste their Sundays worshiping idols of imaginary gods and their sons, praying to mecca, or any of the current mythological belief systems. Why are you no different? Because you believe in something that has no actual basis in facts or evidence except for yet another "ancient wisdom" written down by our less than wise ancestors. Seriously, are you really that fucking stupid?
Let's look at the facts here. Just because an otherwise ignorant culture wrote something down (or more to the point ran out of room on a rock!) and you are gullible enough to buy it, regardless of the reality that there are no facts or evidence to support your faith, does not make it a fact or worthy of consideration or belief. If the Mayans were so fucking wise, they also would have seen the Spanish and other invaders coming on their calendar and probably would have been better prepared. If they were so fucking brilliant, they would have had gunpowder and all the other weapons that they should have been able to see in the future and used their "ancient wisdom" to build some defensive technologies so they wouldn't have been subjugated and their culture destroyed. Seriously, these people could see the end of the world, but they couldn't see guys coming on boats to fuck their shit up? How stupid do you have to be to buy into this nonsense?
I guess the answer to that is just as stupid as you have to be to buy into religion and other supernatural nonsense. Believers don't require proof, evidence or rational thought precesses, they just have to like what they are hearing, even if it is bat-shit crazy and being told to them by someone who got their diploma off the side of a cereal box. That's the problem with faith and belief, it doesn't matter who is delivering the message or where that message comes from, if you are just gullible enough to believe anything you are told, regardless of how irrational it is, you are going to believe it.
That's really what this current end of the world scenario is all about - gullibility and the stupidity of the average human animal. I don't know how many average people have told me about this end of the world scenario over the last couple of years that in all seriousness believed it. I can tell you that I told every last one of them that they were fucking idiots for believing it in the first place. Just as I told the xtian apocalypse believers, the Y2K doomsayers and all of the rest of them. to a man, woman and child, every last one of these people who firmly believed these events were going to happen and meant the end of the world was coming, they were all nothing more than gullible idiots.
I'm not going to come on here on Saturday and say "I told you so" when we are all still here, because I'm going to make my own prediction and just do it right now. The earth and humanity will still be here on Saturday - end of story. Come back and read this on saturday and right here is where I'm going to say it - "I TOLD YOU SO". Hopefully you will realize that it was just another in a long line of bullshit apocalypse hoaxes that the less than stupid among us continue to believe and have "faith" in.
Oh and if you want to know when the end of the world really is going to happen? Here's my prediction - it'll happen in roughly 4 billion years when the sun is running out of fuel and turns into a red giant, consuming the earth. Now, go back about your daily lives, stop living like a panicked gerbil over yet another fairy tale concocted by yet another group of deluded morons. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come up with another end of the world myth that you can shit your pants over next year. Until that time enjoy yourselves and stop being so damned gullible.
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