After the massacre in Newtown, we all knew that the right would be spewing forth their nonsense about the cause being secularism, god not being allowed in school and all the normal nonsense. Just when I thought that the stupidity couldn’t get any worse, The National Review proves me wrong in their editorial suggesting the cause of the massacre was really that the school was run by women. Yes, you read that right – women running an elementary school caused the massacre. Just when you thought the pieces of shit couldn't hit a new low, they go right ahead and shoot for rock bottom.
According to Charlotte Allen, an obviously self loathing insane woman, the reason the massacre happened is as follows:
“There was not a single adult male on the school premises when the shooting occurred. In this school of 450 students, a sizeable number of whom were undoubtedly 11- and 12-year-old boys (it was a K–6 school), all the personnel — the teachers, the principal, the assistant principal, the school psychologist, the “reading specialist” — were female. There didn’t even seem to be a male janitor to heave his bucket at Adam Lanza’s knees. Women and small children are sitting ducks for mass-murderers. The principal, Dawn Hochsprung, seemed to have performed bravely. According to reports, she activated the school’s public-address system and also lunged at Lanza, before he shot her to death. Some of the teachers managed to save all or some of their charges by rushing them into closets or bathrooms. But in general, a feminized setting is a setting in which helpless passivity is the norm. Male aggression can be a good thing, as in protecting the weak — but it has been forced out of the culture of elementary schools and the education schools that train their personnel. Think of what Sandy Hook might have been like if a couple of male teachers who had played high-school football, or even some of the huskier 12-year-old boys, had converged on Lanza.”
To use a phrase – Oh My fucking God! What a stupid fucking waste of flesh. Does this woman seriously believe that a male janitor with a bucket would have made a difference? Does she really think that only women and small children are sitting ducks for mass murderers? Is she really stupid enough to believe that unarmed men would have been any more effective, other than possibly being larger targets for the shooter in stopping this massacre?
I don’t know what to say. Seriously, saying that a school filled with women creates a setting in which helpless passivity is the norm shows this asshole has obviously never been to a public school. Whether teachers are men or women makes no difference as kids will be the same regardless. There are still bullies, still weak kids and everything in between. Schools run by women don’t have lower incidences of violence or any other behavior problem as her ignorance would suggest.
As for the male aggression part, it is alive and well in public schools regardless of who is teaching. And to think that male aggression in school has anything to do with protecting the weak, this is just another example of how little she knows about male behavior and what really happens in public schools. Male aggression is usually targeted at the weak, not protecting them. And for the most part, the male aggressors she is obviously romanticizing are usually the greatest cowards once they are confronted by equal force and aggression. That is the reality, rather than this fantasy world she is living in.
As for her last part - “Think of what Sandy Hook might have been like if a couple of male teachers who had played high-school football, or even some of the huskier 12-year-old boys, had converged on Lanza”. Really? A husky 12 year old? REALLY???? Even the suggestion of some ex high school football star is laughable as being unarmed they still would have been dead. But suggesting that a husky 12 year old would have been more effective than a grown woman, that is beyond absurd.
You see the issue here is not men or women or even aggressive husky 12 year olds being in the school, the issues is they were unarmed against an assailant that had easy access to assault weapons and hugh capacity magazines and ammunition. This is in no way suggesting that arming teachers would have been the answer. To the contrary, removing guns from the hands of the public and stripping them of the ability to commit these acts with high powered and high capacity weapons is the only rational response. If Adam Lanza would have had a knife or some other weapon in his hands, rushing him, even as a woman, would have been an effective response. But rushing and armed lunatic with unlimited rounds firing in your direction is going to result in death, regardless of who it is or what their gender may be.
Miss Allen should also be reminded of the Colorado theater shooting earlier this year. There were plenty of aggressive male members in the audience when that lunatic entered the theater nad opened fire. Plenty of ex-athletes, probably plenty of aggressive bullies in school and maybe even a husky 12 year old as well and none of them were able to stop that lunatic either. You see, Miss Allen, even with men being there in such situations, the only thing that made a difference was the assault weapon that was being used to murder innocent people. Gender made no difference and would have made no difference at Sandy Hook either. But then again, it’s obvious that fucking lunatics like yourself are not capable of reasoning these things out before you run your mouths. If you were, you wouldn’t be making such stupid statements and proving yet again how moronic the members of the right really are.
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