Wednesday, December 19, 2012

They Just Don’t Know When To Quit!

After the shooting in Connecticut, the worst of the religious people out there started with their usual rhetoric about how god either let the tragedy happen because of religion not being allowed in schools or because of birth control or some equally hateful reason.  You would have thought they would have stopped, with the exception of the Westboro goons, but the rhetoric and hate just keeps pouring out of their mouths.  The sad truth is that the evil bastards never fail to live up to the expectations that we have of them.

We now have pastor Sam Morris of the Old Paths Baptist Church spewing for the following hateful bullshit from the pulpit this past Sunday, according to the Network for Church Monitoring:
“Why do you still send your kids to the governmental schools?” the pastor asked the congregation. “What’s behind this shooting that we saw on Dec. 14 in Newtown, Connecticut and the other one’s like it? What’s going on. Well, number one, deception… I got news for you, when you kicked God out of schools, you’re going to be judged for that.”
“When I got in high school, man, I started learning all this kingdom, phylum stuff, all this junk about evolution,” he recalled. “And I want to tell you what evolution teaches — here’s the bottom line — that you’re an animal. That’s what it teaches. So, you’re an animal, you can act like an animal. Amen.”
“So, here you are, you’re an animal and you’re a god! So, what are we going to teach you about in school? Well, we can teach you about sex, we can teach you how to rebel to you parents, we can teach you how to be a homo! But we’re definitely not going to teach you about the word of God! Amen.”
So according to Morris, these shooting happened because we kicked god out of schools, teach biology and evolution and tell kids to become “homos” by teaching them proper sex education.  Yeah right.  This guy is an absolute moron.  The worst part is that the people there didn’t get up out of their seats and leave, realizing what a bigoted lunatic he is.  No, instead there are people who follow this evil bastard and agree with him.  No, I take it back, the worst part is that there were probably children present for the sermon, being brainwashed into the exact same kind of hatred and ignorance that their parents buy into.  Child abuse, plain and simple.
As though the vile rhetoric from Morris wasn’t’ enough, Mike Huckabee went ahead and added to the hateful crap he was spewing Friday regarding why the tragedy in Connecticut occurred:
“Christian-owned businesses are told to surrender their values under the edict of government orders to provide tax-funded abortion pills. We carefully and intentionally stop saying things are sinful and we call them disorders. Sometimes, we even say they’re normal. And to get to where we have to abandon bed rock moral truths, then we ask “well, where was God?” And I respond that, as I see it, we’ve escorted him out of our culture and marched him off the public square and then we express our surprise that a culture without him reflects what it’s become.”
So, there you have it, the birth control mandate and other coverage for women, guarantees for female reproductive choice, in Obamacare are the cause of the shooting.  Glad, you cleared that up, Mike.  It’s so clear now that god was powerless to act and save these children because we've escorted him physically out of the public school system and government so he just had to let it happen.  Add to that the fact that he just hates birth control and doesn't want businesses to pay for it and he just had to sit by while lunatic shot some kids to show his displeasure.  How omnipotent and benevolent of him.  Not much different from his inability to fend of those pesky irons chariots and give the Israelites victory in the bible.  Guess there’s always got to be some impediment to an all powerful gods ability to act, doesn't there. (Judges 1:19, 4:3 and 4:13)
So now we know the reason for god being unable, unwilling or just too fucking pissed off to stop this tragedy.  He’s been kicked out of schools and government and is apparently powerless to go anywhere he’s been issued a restraining order, he’s pissed off about birth control and contraception and his best way of showing his disapproval about all of this is to let 20 babies be murdered while in school.  Yup, sure sounds like an all-powerful and all loving god to me, how about you?
Well here’s my answer to Mike Huckabee, pastor Morris and every other religious piece of garbage that honestly thinks that this and all other tragedies like it are gods punishment for the US being the secular nation that it was established to be in the first place.  FUCK YOU,ASSHOLE!  Both you and the imaginary god that you delude yourself into thinking you worship are evil fucking pieces of shit.  Anyone who can gloat about these tragedies and declare they are the result of your belief system being righteous and everyone else being punished for failing to follow your personal delusion is both insane and absolutely devoid of any type of moral or ethical compass.  You want to know what is wrong with American society and why these things happen?  It’s because of evil people like you, pushing hatred and bigotry on society and brainwashing kids into you corrupt and evil belief system.  You are the problem, not a society that is trying to be all-inclusive and teaching kids to accept the differences that exist among us.  It’s not a school system that teaches kids to think critically and accept their peers regardless of their religious beliefs or sexual orientation.  No, it takes religion and parents that are bigoted and evil to teach kids to hate and grow up to be just as bigoted as them and that is the cause of all of our problems as a nation – you, the religious assholes who corrupt the very fabric of our society.

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