Friday, December 28, 2012

Orleans Parish Says No to Creationism

In a move that surprised many people, Orleans Parish passed a no creationism policy last week for its public schools.  It’s a surprise because Louisiana isn't known for being reasonable where education and religion are concerned.  The sitting governor, Bobby Jindal, is an outspoken creationist and Christian who pushed through the Louisiana Science Education Act in 2008 which basically allows teachers to teach creationism in public schools.  So color me shocked that one small school board in Louisiana went out of its way to stop the insanity.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Arming Teachers Is Not An Answer

Friday, the head lunatic from the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, gave the organizations response to the Newtown tragedy.  As expected, their solution was more guns, but not just more guns; it included having armed guards at every school, blaming video games and movie violence.  Essentially they are blaming everything and everyone other than placing blame where it squarely belongs, which is on the NRA and their policy of fighting against any and all gun control laws, background checks, closing loopholes and anything that stops money from coming in from even one gun sale.  So what we were given by the NRA is nothing more than a non-answer to a continuing and growing problem in our society – gun violence.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Even More Right Wing Stupidity

After the massacre in Newtown, we all knew that the right would be spewing forth their nonsense about the cause being secularism, god not being allowed in school and all the normal nonsense.  Just when I thought that the stupidity couldn’t get any worse, The National Review proves me wrong in their editorial suggesting the cause of the massacre was really that the school was run by women.  Yes, you read that right – women running an elementary school caused the massacre.  Just when you thought the pieces of shit couldn't hit a new low, they go right ahead and shoot for rock bottom. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Boobs – No, Guns – Yes….

American Sure Is Fucked Up!
I saw a graphic today that reminded me of the whole 2004 Super Bowl incident with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake.  It pointed out that it only took Congress 10 days to convene a special hearing to make sure that the American public wouldn't have to suffer such breast bearing horror again in their living room.  This just made me think, “what the fuck is wrong with America?”

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

They Just Don’t Know When To Quit!

After the shooting in Connecticut, the worst of the religious people out there started with their usual rhetoric about how god either let the tragedy happen because of religion not being allowed in schools or because of birth control or some equally hateful reason.  You would have thought they would have stopped, with the exception of the Westboro goons, but the rhetoric and hate just keeps pouring out of their mouths.  The sad truth is that the evil bastards never fail to live up to the expectations that we have of them.

Why Do You Celebrate Christmas?

It’s that time of year again and like a lot of atheists out there it’s time for us to hear people asking, “why do you celebrate Christmas?” This is often a part of the discussion regarding nativity scenes and overt displays of religion on government owned property and government buildings, but that is not always the case.  Often it’s just a query from a confused Christian or religious person wondering why we celebrate “their holiday”.  Let’s set the record straight right here and now.

Monday, December 17, 2012

It's The Last Monday Ever.... Until The Next Time

Unless you live under a rock, you probably know that this Friday is supposed to be the end of the world according to internet nut jobs, conspiracy theory whackos and other brands of lunatics everywhere.  The Mayan calendar, or at least one version and one interpretation of it, runs out on the 21st and the crazies are convinced that this means the end of the world.  Yeah right, bozo.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The stupidity just keeps flowing

In the wake of Fridays' mass killing at an elementary school in Connecticut, the stupidity from gun rights advocates just keeps flowing from their ever gaping pie holes.  In the most recent display of moronic ignorance a legislator from Texas has suggested that arming teachers with assault rifles would have solved the problem before it started.  What a moron!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Note to religious people....

Shut the fuck up!

You just knew it would happen the moment you heard about the school shooting.  The religious would be coming out of the woodwork declaring that either this was god punishing us for not letting him in schools or god didn’t act because he’s not allowed in schools.  The only question was how long would it take.  Unfortunately, it took almost no time at all.

Friday, December 14, 2012

One Week, Two Shootings, When Is This Bullshit Going To Stop?

Today’s rant has nothing to do with religion.  I take that back, it does have to do with a religion of sort, the type that people replace normal religions with.  This is the type that doesn't require belief in some imaginary being, but instead turns ideals or even the absurd into an almost religious zeal. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Religious Freedom - It's An Illusion

We all like to talk about religious freedom and the guarantees that the constitution gives Americans in this respect.  The truth is that for most, freedom of religion is not a reality and is in all truthfulness nothing more than an illusion.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

You Are Obviously Confused.

Ever since the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) came into being, there have been a lot of objections to the law.  Some have a modicum of merit while others are just outright absurdly idiotic.  The worst of them are the so-called religious objections to the law which revolve around women’s healthcare.  These objections show a truly monumental ignorance of what religious freedom really means.  Let’s clear up that confusion right now.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Atheists Face Discrimination? No Shit Sherlock!

It may come as a surprise to some of you, especially the religious out there, but atheists walk a tough road.  We face discrimination on many fronts, are often shunned by friends and family for our lack of blind faith and in some places even face imprisonment or death if we are open in our disbelief.  The truth of the matter is that discrimination based upon religious ignorance is alive and well in the world and atheists are front and center where that hatred is concerned.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

changing blog hosting and getting new rants ready

Yes, I know the blog is new. but I am working on changing the hosting to a self hosted space so I can have total control over everything. 

I will be working on this over the next couple of days, importing the old posts to the new site as well as working on some new rants as time permits.  Lots to do and not enough time to do it. 

Also, if there's anything you'd like to see discussed, be sure to put it here.  There's a lot of nonsense out there to rant about and I'm always more than happy to do it. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Yet Another “Truth in Education” Bill? Make Me Laugh

A state senator from Indiana is going to be introducing a bill into the general assembly next year and we can all guess what the bill is trying to do. The “Truth in Education” bill, according to Kruse, will give students the right to question what they are being taught in the classroom.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I'll Pray For You

I'll pray for you, I'll pray for him or one phrase or another along these lines is one of the most common things we hear coming out of the mouths of believers.  It's not only directed at atheists, although that one is not only annoying but naive as well, but also at their own kind.  So what does this really mean?

Posts coming...

There are several topics I am working on today, in between everything else that I have to do, and should have at least one of them posted by this evening. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Let's Talk about Respect

One of the most thrown out lines that the religious use is “you have to respect my beliefs”, whenever a religious debate is ongoing. But do we really have to respect their religion or are they just as deluded in this belief as they are in everything else regarding their superstitious nonsense?