Friday, November 30, 2012

Banning Gay Marriage Perpetuates the Human Race?

A federal judge in Nevada, Judge Robert Jones, upheld Nevada's ban on same sex Marriage this week. His justification for the ruling? According to RawStory his reasoning is as follows: men and lesbians did not qualify for protections under the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause because recent victories in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington proved that LGBT people did not face the same level of discrimination as other groups did.

Why Must Atheists Fight Christmas Displays?

This post is not going to be about christians, jews or any other religious groups. Today we are going to talk about a subgroup of atheists and why they are wrong to support the religious and their continued abuse of public property to bolster their religious beliefs.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

City Official declares Atheists "Terrorists"

Every day when I get up and wonder what I'll have to write about, I worry that sanity and rational thought might hit the right wing in this country and leave a void of topics to write about. Unfortunately, that never really happens.  A supervisor in the Leesburg district of Virginia, Ken Reid, proves once again how insanely stupid and ignorant the right can be regarding their religious holidays, separation of church and state and their hatred of free-thinkers.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Let Texas Secede? Screw That!

I'm sure that by now everyone is well aware of all the petitions that people have started on the White House site regarding state secession. There are petitions for all 50 states, at this point, and close to a million signatures combined. To counter these, people have put up petitions to try the signers of secession petitions for treason and even to make it easier for states like Texas to go ahead and leave the union. But should we even be giving these petitions, which are not being started or submitted by the states themselves but rather disgruntled voters, consideration in the first place? The answer is a resounding no. More importantly, as atheists we should be saying hell no! For some reasons why this should be our response, let's look at recent history.

God Will Judge America – It's About Time!

Proving the old adage that the apple never falls far from the tree, Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, has come out and said that God will judge America for re-electing President Obama.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Freedom From Religion Foundation Suing IRS

The FFRF filed suit last week in Federal Court against the IRS for its failure to enforce federal laws disallowing churches from electioneering. All I can say is it's about time someone did this.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Oklahoma Judge Violates First Amendment in Sentencing of Drunk Teen

This one really makes me angry. A judge in Oklahoma sentenced a 17 year old charged with DUI manslaughter to 10 years of church attendance as part of the deal agreed to by both prosecutors and the defense. In defense of this sentence the Judge Mike Norman has admitted to doing this in the past for child support cases as well, though this was his first time using this as part of sentencing for manslaughter. Doesn't that just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over knowing that church is going to make things all better?

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Non-existent War on Christmas

Let's talk about the “War on Christmas”. This war is a myth, plain and simple. There is no war on Christmas; it's a figment of the Christian imagination, much like their deity. This supposed war on Christmas revolves around their belief that secularists and even Christians who only wish to be inclusive of people of other faith and belief systems are somehow infringing their rights by not saying merry Christmas to everyone, calling Christmas trees “holiday trees" and other such nonsense. It's basically another reason for them to whine about how they as Christians, who still represent a majority of the US population, are being oppressed.

Michigan is trying to backdoor abortion legislation through the tax code.

There have been so many topics of discussion come up this week and so little time to write about them, but let's go ahead and talk about one that really goes above and beyond in the “right-wing nut-job” department. State legislators in Michigan are considering giving a tax credit for unborn fetuses who are past 12 weeks in gestation. What makes this a really odd gesture is the fact that the same legislature took away the child tax credit for families last year that had living breathing kids in their households. Basically parents can't take a tax break for kids that are already born, but fetuses are worthy of that tax break.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Yet Another legislator that denies science

Apparently, the freshman senator Marco Rubio from Florida is taking the lead from other "giants" of the republican party like Rick Perry and saying that he is not sure about the age of the earth.  According to him, "It's a mystery".  Someone should clue Mr Rubio in to the fact that in scientific circles, there is no mystery about the age of the earth.   We know for a fact that it is approximately 4.5 billion years old.  We know the process through which the sun formed, it's age and when it will run out of fuel, expand and swallow the earth.  These are scientific facts that are not a mystery to anyone except those who choose to establish their beliefs through the ignorance of religion.  The worst of them believe the earth was literally formed in 7 days and is now approximately 6 - 10 thousand years old.  Never mind the fact that every scientific body in the world agrees that this is absurd, reality just doesn't appear to matter to these people.  

Welcome to Atheist Rant of the Day.

Yes, I am an atheist. I also live in the bible belt, so I have plenty to rant about.  Add to that the silly political climate in the US and the potential for rants just gets beyond ridiculous. But honestly, it’s not just the religious that  are worthy of discussion; atheists can be just as illogical and lacking in reason when it comes to topics outside of religion and separation of church and state.   

I will usually update once a day, but if things get silly, it could be more often.

I also plan to post to a YouTube channel in the near future and will post the videos here as they are put up, so be sure to keep and eye out for updates.

Thanks and see you soon.